вторник, 13 апреля 2010 г.

Fun Easter - Веселая Пасха

Easter, as well as an important religious holiday, is also a time to celebrate the coming of spring.
This year, volunteers from “Integration” and European volunteers in Ceadir Lunga decided to organise a fun Easter in the orphanage; on the 9th of April we had a party dedicated to fun, sweets and colours.
After having been separated in teams, the children set off to search for very sweet treasures, hidden for them in the orphanage courtyard.
The second stage of our party consisted in an art class, where the children built and coloured little boxes.
It was a fun Easter, for the children and also for us; for this reason we want to thank those who made this day possible, especially the kids! Their energy and enthusiasm ware the most important ingredients for a wonderful day.

На Пасху мы были в гостях у ребят из интерната. Все ребята приняли участие в игре "Охота за сокровищами", где надо было найти спрятанные по территории сладости и главное, честно разделить их между собой. Потом мы занимались с детьми 3 и 4 класса- мы готовили пасхальные корзиночки. Программу подготовили наши новые волонтеры из Европы: Фанни и Марьяна, а Магда была фотокореспондентом.

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